Well 10/10 is Cindy's birthday and it turned out to be a fairly quiet day. She ate a little bit and she has been in the hospital all week long. They are trying to find out why she has so much trouble holding down food. They put her back on a low dose of steriods as well as Adavan for her stomach. She sleeps most of the time but at least she is able to hold down some food when she does finally eat.
My parents, my Uncle Jack, Aunt Sheila, Brother in law, neice and my sister's Mother in law came in for her birthday and we had a little cake and some presents. Turned out to be an okay day for her.
Today (10/11) we got some results. The radiation to her head was a success and has stopped the growth of any more cancer, as well as the radiation to her back. She has some fluid on her lungs and they are going to extract the fluid tomorrow morning. There is a slight chance of her lungs collapsing so they want to do this early in the day when there is a full staff of doctors on hand to help her. We'll all pray and keep our fingers crossed.
She also has been having some diarrhea so they are trying to find the source of that as well. If it is coming from the Iressa, which is the chemotherapy pill, then she will have to go for traditional chemo instead which really would be draining on her.
I hope tomorrow goes well for her and I hope everyone says a good long prayer... she needs them all.