Well another month has passed, and things are quiet. I bought myself a used SUV, I know gas prices are crap but I'm tired of my back and neck bothering me so... truck! Its a 2000 Chevrolet Blazer, its white, two door, 4x4. I love it. I've got it since April 21st and I couldn't be happier with it.
On another note, Dave (my english friend) was in and we had a great time. I'm thankful for his friendship and I hope it continues for years to come. He's been looking to move here so I'm trying to help him find a job and get things going...
Mom's corrective surgery went GREAT and she didn't even have to go to that awful rehab! She came home and she's been a real trooper doing her exercises and keeping off that leg as doctor's orders! Dad's got a touch of bronchitis but it's clearing up. Little antibiotics and he's doing fine. They were in the backyard yesterday enjoying the sun which I was happy about.
I'm sorry there isn't much to tell, just been rather quiet on this end... I guess thats a good thing??
Hope May is just as quiet!!! I'm going to see Melissa and Andrew on the 13th just for an overnight but it should be great. :)
Take care all!!