Isn't it funny how signs work? After Ashley died I had this horrible sense of loss... like someone came to me and ripped my heart out... I had already lost Cindy and now the one thing that we used to argue over, "who owned Ashley"...when in all actuality NO ONE owned her...she was her own little free spirit... she's gone. Something that I didn't write until now... but a few days after Ashley's passing, I was driving home from work and I was just feeling so empty and there it was... my sign from Cindy!
Next to me were two big trucks... the first one said EGL on the side (and for anyone that knew Cindy, she worked for that company for a very long time in NJ), the second in HUGE gold letters said ASHLEY furniture... I just laughed and said "ok i got the point Cin!!" ... thank you Cindy... you got the Ashley-kitty safe and sound. Take good care of her until I see both of you again...
And Cindy...give Bonnie a sign? I think she's needing them more then me right now. I wish I could be there for her but I can't... she doesn't allow it. I got caught in the crossfire of a problem between her and my mother and it left me in not only a horrible spot with both of them yelling at me at different intervals but I lost someone in the process. **Hey Bonnie... I saw you and jackie in Coscto a few months back... She got so big and she's gorgeous... and you looked good too.**
Have a good day all...