Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The Trust Fund

The amazing people at PWG where Cindy used to work is going to be setting up a trust fund for little Melissa for when she gets older. If there is anyone who wishes to also contribute to the fund that is going to be set up in January, please email my mother at cupcake@si.rr.com and she will be glad to tell you who to send it to. Just put in the subject line "Regarding Melissa's Trust Fund" so she doesnt delete something she isn't sure of.

Thank you to everyone for the constant prayers, support and friendships that you all gave and are still giving. I don't think I will ever get over what has happened, and for some people, they are using me as a substitute for my sister, and that's ok. Makes me feel like part of Cindy's life and honored as well. I just hope that everyone understands that I'm going to need a little time too.

I'm disabling comments for this post, so if you want to say anything to me just email me at LadySunshin3@gmail.com .

Nicole at PWG sent me an email with a phrase in it today that I'm going to post here... I think that its definitely fitting. Thank you Nicole.

Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our
wings have trouble remembering how to fly.