I dont know how many people still read this but I still write... *wave* to all that do still read it and I'd love it if comments were left if your still out there?
My grandmother is actually doing a little better. I saw her yesterday and she knew who I was, what was going on around her and she was happy to see me. Other then that... not a whole lot going on.
I am right now the age Cindy was when she was sick, from July - October she was 35 which I am now and then November she was 36 which I will be. She would be 40 this year... There isn't a day that passes that I dont miss her as much as the day she left. I can still see her face smiling at me when I would sit in front of her and rub out her legs from the pain. I just kept reading her eyes... we were never very good at opening up to each other, once in a rare while we did.
But we both knew we loved each other, and that was solid. No matter what.
Hey... remember this, and only this...
"Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain"
1 comment:
Hey I still check back and read! Just don't comment much :)
I got the message on Facebook this morning, and I'll call you later this week one evening. I'm working night shifts next Sat/Sun so maybe then?
Be strong for Grandma, she'll have good days and bad, but I'm sure she'll be with you for a while yet - if she's as strong as her daughter and granddaughters she's not giving up without a fight.
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