Wednesday, July 28, 2004

That day...

July 19th, 2004.... Sitting at a table with a friend and her two children when my phone rang.  Its 9:30am, and my mother is telling me that my sister Cindy has cancer.  She's fighting back tears and I am now desperately trying to do the same.  I rushed us through breakfast and hurried home where my father was.  I needed to be with him. 

When I got home, there he was sitting on a kitchen chair as if the world just stopped.  I felt the same way.  We both were scared, a new kind of scared.  The type where you have no idea how to feel, or how to react.  It felt like the longest day of my life.  I was supposed to go to class that day and somehow I mustered up the strength to do so.  I wasn't really paying attention to a word that professor said and I eventually wound up leaving early. 

This is how our story starts....

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