Sunday, September 12, 2004

and again she goes...

Cindy was admitted into Sloan Kettering again last night. She was throwing up a lot and couldnt even hold down water. So they gave her some meds which definitely helped and they rehydrated her as well. She ate a little bit today and she sounded better by early evening tonight.

I called her earlier and even though I know she wasn't much into talking to me, she made the effort to stay on the phone with me, so I told her I loved her and I didn't keep her more then a moment or two.

Well I'm about to go show my 16 year old cat some massive attention. Shes meowing around my chair as I type this and keeps pawing at me that she wants us to get into bed and snuggle. Crazy cat! Take care everyone... and I hope everyone today, on September 11th, thought of the people taken from us in New York. God Bless them all, and their families...

Michael J. Clarke - you were thought of today and prayed for.

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