Saturday, September 25, 2004


Well things are going decently. The radiation is overwith and Cindy is keeping food down pretty much all the time. I even got her eating some of my health food so that will help her gain some nutrition as well. The doctors are going to start to wein her off the steriods she is on and she is back on the Iressa. But because of the steriods, her blood sugar level sky rocketed today. When it hit a total of 490, they all loaded into the car and took her back to Sloan Kettering as per the doctor's requests. So I took Melissa to the park today and there were two concerts going on. One was the steel drums and the other was old rock and roll. She loved the steel drums and it was quite entertaining. Then I pushed her on the swings for a while and she played with some of the other little kids that were at the park. Perfect weather for it too!

So, by the time 4pm rolled around I could see she was ready for a nice name. Its 4:45pm now and we're home and she is sound asleep. So I'm relaxing on the recliner next to her with my laptop and catching up on some things that I needed taken care of online. I'm sorry for not posting as much as I should be doing. Just been so busy with graduation in less then four WEEKS!

Talk to you all soon and keep up the prayers... they help tons.

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