Hows THIS for comfy? Sometimes I want to trade places with my cat. Ashley has SUCH a good life! Cindy is resting comfortably in Sloan Kettering tonight while they rehydrate her and make sure to help her get over some nausia she has been having. Melissa and Andrew and I went out for a bite to eat and then I gave the baby a nice bath and she should be asleep by now.
Well aside from that, everything is quiet. There isn't much to really report as of yet but as usual, I'll keep everyone informed. Please feel free to post comments so I KNOW you guys are out there reading! Thanks!

Isn't that Ashley's normal position anyway? Curled up and snoring..... :)
Dave xx
Hi Sherry,
I jusr wanted to say hello and tell you what a wonderful idea this is. I don't feel so out of the loop! Please tell Cindy that I will see her soon!
Hi Sherry, I am glad that you let me know about this site. Cindy's co-workers here in Florida are all very concerned about her. Thank you for keeping us informed. Love to Cindy and God Bless!
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