Saturday, August 21, 2004

The walk.

Well Cindy got off that bed today, took a bit of a walk around the hospital, was rather painful but she did it which shows she is trying. It was a quiet day, her throat bothers her from the tube that was in it from them knocking her out to do the procedure and she can't really speak much. That'll take time. She also still has a lot of fluid built up in her but its starting to come out and I think shes starting to feel better in that sense too. She didn't walk as much as they would have liked her to but it will come in time.

They had to stop the radiation for a while to allow her body to heal from this surgery but she is still taking the Iressa which they havent stopped. She isn't getting any of the side effects that would make her have to go off of it (thank God) so she is safe to take it. Right now I think she is better off where she is then anywhere in the world. I was at that hospital yesterday and they dont have regular hospital rules. They don't really enforce visiting hours... They are VERY friendly and warm and they take the time to really talk to you. Also they show a lot of compassion. I was glad for that. I left three balloons with a little stuffed animal weighing them down and a card there last night. I knew she wouldnt remember I was there... so this would show I was. She liked seeing that this morning. It was cheery.

If anyone wants to get in touch with me aside from here... if you look up my profile from the main page, you'll find my AIM screen name. Feel free to just IM me and let me know who you are. Thanks again for all the prayers guys, means the world to me. I just hope someone up there is listening... I've truly never been so scared. I could never think I'd not have a sister... and I dont know what I'd do if I thought she wouldn't be in my life. We dont really get along all that well... but she was always the smarter of us and the one to take care of things. Now I'm doing a lot of it and it really shows me what I took for granted.


Anonymous said...

Glad the surgery went well Sher. Call if you need to talk.

love ya

Anonymous said...

Sherry, Chris, Mom and Dad,
I am so happy that you have been keeping me so up to date on Cindy... As you can see...and I want her to know especially how much I LOVE HER AND ALWAYS HAVE LOVED HER. Cindy is my mom and dad's other daughter and Cindy is like another child in their for myself and my brother Marc, and his wife Grace- Cindy is and always been another sister to all of us. We were all together everyday and have the best laughs to share with you at a later time. As for you Dearest Sherry- I know in my heart that your sister has always loved you and always will love have to always remember one were the lil' sister who we had to babysit for, and you know how that usually is when you are the younger one. Listen,I am the younger one too ya know??? So, just to keep you at brother always did the same things to me...but I knew he loved me. May I say?? In the times of hardship and tough journeys- when we are by each others side, really matters and we all learn from these times how much we really do love one with this in mind-I know she loves you and appreciates you being by her side every step of the way to help her to get through!
I love you too honey and always did...stay close to me your other sister....Bonnie

Anonymous said...
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